Monday, October 28, 2013

Introduction To Fashion Accessories

    Are you curious about updating your appearance, at the least when it comes to your fashion? If you are, you will not only want to examine the very latest in fashion trends, as far as clothing, but you may also want to examine the latest trends in fashion accessories Fashion accessories are rapidly increasing in popularity, although many still have no idea what they are. With regards to fashion accessories, you'll find that a number of differing products are included. Fashion accessories, like fashion clothing pieces, are available in variety of differing sizes, shapes, and styles. You can find fashion accessories that are created for kids, youth, men, females, small sized, and plus sized individuals. A handful of of the countless fashion products that you may want to look at at one of your neighborhood fashion stores or on-line are outlined below. Probably the most popular fashion accessory types is that of jewelry. As it had been previously discussed, fashion accessories are designed for all varieties individuals, irrespective of age or gender. For teens and youngsters, fashion jewelry items that are fashionable frequently include vibrant pieces, and charm necklaces or charm bracelets. When it comes to guys, a popular piece of jewelry frequently consists of large pendant necklaces, many of which exhibit a cross or other popular or meaningful symbol. As for women, trendy pieces of fashion jewelry may include earnings, rings, necklaces, bracelets, pins, and so on. Another kind of fashion accessory that you may be interested in owning is a purse or even a handbag. Teens and girls most commonly own purses and handbags. A purse is often used to describe a bag which is smaller or compact in size and handbags are often a little bigger. Handbags and purses come in variety of differing styles; thus, it's common for many women and teenagers to possess more than one purse or handbag. In fact, a lot of individuals out there want to match their fashion accessories, including their purses and handbags, with the clothing that they wear. In conjunction with handbags and purses, travel bags are sometimes considered a fashion accessory. Travel bags are similar to purses and handbags, but you will find that they are often designed for both women and for men. A travel bag might include a smaller bag that can be used as a carryon bag for an airplane ride, a diaper bag, as well as a laptop carrying case and so on. Shoes and boots are also considered a fashion add-on, although many don't necessarily consider them to be. Most often, women’s shoes and boots are associated as fashion accessories, as opposed to males’s boots or shoes. Among the reasons for that is due to the large choice of women’s shoe types that you can find available for sale. For example, it's more than possible to seek out athletic shoes, casual sandals, elegant sandals, flat dress shoes, high-heeled shoes, and so on. Like handbags and purses, many women possess several pairs of shoes or boots and many attempt to coordinate their shoes, specially for work, with the rest of their ensemble. Another one of the many differing kinds of fashion accessories available for purchase are belts. For many men and boys, belts are not necessarily considered a fashion accessory, as much as they are a way to hold pants up; but, the same doesn’t actually ring true for females. females’s belts are available in a number of different sizes, shapes, and styles. That is certainly among the reasons why females’s belts and belts that may be designed for children and for teenagers are often considered as fashion accessories. There are belts available which have been designed for wearing with a casual pair of jeans, as well as a pair of traditional kaki pants for work. Belts, handbags, purses, travel bags, jewelry, and boots and shoes are just a few of the countless fashion accessories which you are likely find on the market at one of our local fashion stores as well as on the internet. As a reminder, fashion accessories are an effective way to spice up any wardrobe, especially one that could use an updating.

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Introduction To Fashion Accessories

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French Fashion In Europe

    French fashion have done far into the world of fashion worldwide. And of course into the major continent of it which is in Europe. When we talk about French fashion, how far do French fashion already got. The uniqueness of French fashion was brought zest to the French fashion trends. Through the intuition of French, Paris is became the fashion capital of the world. In this matter, the French fashion are totally blooming up for an artistic way to cultured up the French Fashion culture in Europe. Though there are some fashion capital already in Europe such as the city of Madrid, Milan, and Rome. This is because of the wide accommodation of the networks of well-known designer companies which are known owned by most French designers and other foreign designers. The elegant and luxury fashion trends are depict by French fashion through the concept and designs of the world class designers such as Louis Vuitton, Charles Frederick Worth, Coco Chanel, Lucien Lelong, Elsa Schiaparelli, Cristóbal Balenciaga, Christian Dior, and Yves Saint Laurent. These are the French designers that brought the culture of French Fashion all over Europe. Because of there featured luxury fashion products, they are successful in maintaining the fashion culture of French in Europe and all over the world. The effect of French fashion in Europe are very important when it comes to the fashion lifestyle there. The French fashion dwells on the high standard living in Europe as they produce an intimate luxury in style, quality of material, magnificent design, and elegant outlook of every designer clothes or clothing products that they produce. French Fashion network is important also in the economy of France as well as all over Europe. Because of millions of people who are embrace the luxurious concept of French fashion. It really contributes percentage of per capita in the economy through the clothing industry in Europe. French are not just done on clothing line. As far as Fashion is concern, they conquer also lifestyle fashion such as in food fashions, interior home designs, and fashionable furniture industries. That's why French fashion networks are burst all over Europe. In Europe, French Fashion is the major source of latest and hottest fashions from time to time. They are always on the major bulletin for them to incorporate the fashion culture that contribute by French in Europe. Even in major fashion destinations worldwide, when we talk on French fashion, no wonder for all customers that they want to have it. French fashion is already a signature trend of Fashion. Designer clothes are very important when it comes to French fashion because it serves as one the quality products that dwells on the elegance and luxuries of life in Europe. For people who are having those products are worth and valuable for them. And that 's the culture of French fashion which really embrace by many fashionista around Europe and all over the world. That is the great impact of French fashion which already blends on the taste of every European Fashionistas.

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French Fashion In Europe

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Environmental And Social Standards In The Fashion Industry

    Environmental, social and ethical pressures on the global textiles and fashion sector emerged in Europe in the early 1980s. The main driver was consumer concern over the safety of the materials. However in parallel with this trend, a minority group of ethical consumers demanded “chemical-free” and low environmental impact clothing and fashion goods. This resulted in the European and later the US organic labeling system being extended to include criteria for clothing and textiles, such as organic cotton. As of 2007, the sector was the fastest growing part of the global cotton industry with growth of more than 50% a year. With reference to safety standards, primarily addressing consumer concern over chemicals in textiles, the Oeko-Tex standard has become highly popular in the industry. Although unknown to consumers, It tests for chemicals such as flame retardants in clothes and categorizes goods according to their likely exposure to humans (e.g. baby clothes must adhere to the strictest standards for chemicals). Thus the issue of chemicals in clothing has become largely one of liability risk control for the industry with the consumers obviously expecting products to pose no risk to their health. Organic and eco fashion and textiles attracts a far smaller, but fast growing group of consumers, largely in Western Europe and Coastal US. Of far greater concern to the global fashion sector is the issue of worker welfare. The issue was highlighted by pressure groups such as Global Exchange in the US targeting Levis and Nike and others. In the late 1980s and early 1990s anecdotal evidence began emerging from labor activists in the US and Europe concerning the supply chains and overseas factories of leading US and European multinationals. A key target was the world's leading maker of denim jeans Levi Strauss, but more significantly Nike, the world's largest sports shoe marketing firm. Global Exchange launched its Nike Anti Sweatshop campaign, focusing on the firms sourcing in China and Indonesia. Issues included child labor, minimum wages, working hours and employee benefits. Activists argued that such issues should not differ too widely from standards mandatory in the West, while Nike argued at the time that differing national economic and social conditions dictated different standards globally. A good deal of negotiations and stakeholder meetings led to a generally accepted code of practice for labor management in developing countries acceptable to most parties involved. The SA 8000 emerged as the leading industry driven voluntary standard on worker welfare issues. SA 8000 supporters now include the GAP, TNT and others and SAI reports that as of 2008, almost 1 million workers in 1700 facilities have achieved SA 8000 certification. Such a certification requires investment in the process but also more significantly in changing labor practices such as wage structures. It is clearly being driven by large US and European multinationals that may require certain suppliers to gain certification. The Fair Trade movement has also had a significant impact on the fashion business. The standard combines a number of ethical issues of potential concern to consumers – environmental factors, fair treatment of developing country suppliers and worker welfare. The Fair Trade label has show explosive growth. Albeit on a very small scale and not always at the top end of the fashion industry, many niche brands have emerged which promote themselves primarily on sustainability grounds People Tree in the UK states that it “creates Fair Trade and organic clothing and accessories by forming lasting partnerships with Fair Trade, organic producers in developing countries. Leading fashion journal Marie Claire ranked its “top 10” eco brands in a recent issue. The key issues remain chemicals in clothing (certified by organic and Fair Trade labels), worker treatment (certified by SA 8000 and Fair Trade) and increasingly mainstream environmental issues such as climate change. The Carbon Reduction Label verifies a product’s cradle-to-grave carbon footprint, although is not specific to clothing. Mainstream brands such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, H&M and Zara have been slower to make firm commitments on the full rage of ethical issues due to the difficulties of switching their supply chains and products lines completely in favor of organic or Fair Trade certified or other standards and norms. They are however, moving slowing to ensure they capture the market if it becomes significant – the world’s largest fashion brand Louis Vuitton recently acquired a small eco fashion label. It is clear, however from the example of Nike and Levis, however that certain issues are here to stay, such as a demand by Western consumers that leading brands manage the issue of worker welfare in their supply chain properly.

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Environmental And Social Standards In The Fashion Industry

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

When Good Equipment Matters

    If you go to a gathering of professional photographers, you'll almost always see speedlites by Canon, Nikon and Quantum. When you visit a photography studio you'll see floor lights by Bowens and Paul C. Buff. Professionals, who depend on their equipment for a living, cannot afford to take chances with either quality or reliability and the extra money is justified both by expediency and favorable tax laws related to equipment purchases.
    When it comes to cameras, the formula changes somewhat. In the triangle of camera, lens and lighting, the camera is the least significant element in terms of money. That may sound strange, but camera technology has advanced so far today that you can get an entirely decent DSLR for around $800 USD. If you need a model that's a little more durable and has better weather seals, you can step up to the next level for around $1,500 USD.
    The next level up in cameras from there depends on the sensor size. If you think a full frame sensor is a benefit, then you can step up to cameras like the Canon 5D MK II and Nikon D700 for right around $2,500 USD. The majority of professional photographers utilize cameras in this price range.
    There are fewer professionals spending more than $2,500 USD on their camera bodies. After that price point the jumps in price are geometric while the gains in quality are incremental. In this realm are cameras like the Nikon D3 and usually the only photographers carrying those type cameras work for a newspaper, magazine, or photo agency.
    It seems like folly for a hobbyist, even a serious one, to be thinking about dropping $4,000 to $6,000 USD on a camera body.
    If you want to raid the trust fund, spend your money on lighting and lenses. While those may not be the sexy topics in photography, they are the most important in getting consistently high quality photos. Even then, you need a reason to shop at the high end of the price market.
    You can get an entirely decent external flash for your DSLR, one that's compatible with the camera's internal metering system, for around $150 USD. If you're a professional wedding photographer or even a serious hobbyist, it might be worth it to look at a speedlite flash like the Canon 580 EXii or Nikon SB-700 or SB-800, which cost more than twice as much.
    In the case of lighting or lenses, it's easier to justify spending twice as much than it is for camera bodies. A good speedlite will serve up even, quality lighting for years and can serve you well even if you decide to change camera brands somewhere down the road. You may lose some of the integrated bells and whistles, but a good flash with a slave mode will always be useful.
    It's the same story with lenses. It will frequently be worth paying nearly twice as much for really fine glass, which will serve you well beyond the expected life of your camera. A fact witnessed by the number of people who pay to have their old Nikkor lenses re-mounted for use on modern Canon DSLRs.
    The time to spend the extra money on professional level equipment is when you have a reason to do so. Even then, spend your money first on lenses and lighting and, if you have any left over, then start looking at a camera upgrade.

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When Good Equipment Matters

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Five Habits of Successful Photographers

    A lot of people flirt with idea of being a professional photographer, others just want to take better pictures as a hobby. Either one will require developing the habits that lead to better photography.
    Know Your Equipment Inside and Out
    Can you operate your camera blindfolded? While that's not a skill you necessarily need to practice as a photographer, you do have to know your equipment and how it operates that intimately. You need to know how to change shooting modes and exposure settings and how each of those changes will impact the final image and to know that so well that you could be dropped into any uncertain situation and be certain of coming away with great photos.
    Great photographers will also take time to read their camera manual, even though that can be a painful experience.
    You Must Be Adaptable
    If there was ever a photography shoot that went according to script, that's the job the people involved will be talking about for years because it's so rare. Things always go wrong on a shoot, or something new and unexpected turns up.
    Experience will give you the confidence to be adaptable, to figure out how to get around equipment that might have gotten lost, broken, stolen or forgotten. Experience will guide you through shooting situations when the light is not right, or when the weather threatens days when you have an outdoor shoot scheduled.
    You Value Time
    Your time and the time of anyone else involved in photography projects is valuable. A great photographer will not only value their own time, but others as well. That doesn't always mean you're getting paid, but even if there's no money involved you're clear about what you and the other people involved are getting in return.
    You Show Up Ready To Work
    In any creative art, whether it's writing, music or photography, there are going to be days when you're just not feeling it. Professionals have the ability to work through down days and get the job done, regardless of what else might be wrong in their life at the time.
    Professionals don't have to like who they're working with that day and won't let it change their focus in any case.
    You Are An Eager Collaborator
    Everyone in photography had someone who let them assist or otherwise work in on projects. All the great photographers regularly work with other photographers, assistants and apprentices.
    Photography is a constantly evolving art form and only those who stay current with the business of their art ultimately make it to the very top. The very best take turns being student and teacher; constantly learning new skills and lighting techniques and passing those skills on to others.
    Working with other people on projects gives you the chance to learn something new and make new contacts. In today's business climate, no one is an island. The people you help today may be the ones you call on for help tomorrow.

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Five Habits of Successful Photographers

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Thursday, January 19, 2012

Focus On What's Important

    Focus is one of the most critical factors in photography. Focus shifts the attention of the viewer to the part of the photo the photographer wants to emphasize and away from the background or less important elements of a scene. That's one of the reasons the Lytro camera made such a big splash in photography, because you could selectively change the focus after taking the shot.
    With focus being such a critical component of photography it is sometimes puzzling to see those new to the business focus on elements of photography that are less important when it comes to taking great pictures.
    Agonizing Over Megapixels
    Probably the most frequent and strangest of all is the fixation some people have with a camera's megapixel rating. In fairness camera manufacturers are partly to blame for continuing the megapixel charade and they've done such a good job convincing consumers it's an important comparison they can't really go back now.
    Take two perfectly good cameras like the Canon 7D and Nikon D7000. Very close in price and specifications. Many people will look at the 7D's 17.9 megapixels verses 16.1 for the D7000 and think the Canon is better. While there are many good reasons to pick on camera over the other, the difference in megapixels is meaningless. To notice a difference you have to effectively double sensor size which quadruples the megapixels.
    Lighting and Lenses
    Lighting and lenses are two of the most important elements in quality photography and yet they get very little attention from the average enthusiast because they're just not the sexy part of the business. Cameras get all the attention because technology is sexy. Go to a photography trade show and you'll see massive displays for the big camera makers, while way in the back will be the tiny little booths for lighting companies.
    Those interested in photography as a hobby would do well to spend at least as much time learning about good glass and good lighting as they do on selecting a camera. Not only will you get better equipment, but a good lens will serve you for decades.
    Cameras come and go, but good glass is for life. You can almost always spot the professional nature photographer because they will have a $12,000 lens, an $800 camera body and an $500 car.
    Lighting is much the same story. It's not unusual to see professional photographers with a lighting package that costs as much or more as some of the new cameras. Some professional wedding photographers have lighting kits that run over $2,500 and that's not even the high end of the scale!
    When thinking about launching into photography, take the time to study lighting and lenses at least as much as your camera selection and you will save yourself some very hard lessons.

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Focus On What's Important

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